ListDevicesRequest: {
    allowInsecure?: boolean;
    hubId?: string;
    name?: string;
    orderBy?: ListDevicesRequestOrderBy;
    page?: number;
    pageSize?: number;
    region?: Region;
    status?: DeviceStatus;

Type declaration

  • OptionalallowInsecure?: boolean

    Defines wheter to filter the allow_insecure flag.

  • OptionalhubId?: string

    Hub ID to filter for, only devices attached to this Hub will be returned.

  • Optionalname?: string

    Name to filter for, only devices with this name will be returned.

  • OptionalorderBy?: ListDevicesRequestOrderBy

    Ordering of requested devices.

  • Optionalpage?: number

    Page number to return, from the paginated results.

  • OptionalpageSize?: number

    Number of devices to return within a page. Maximum value is 100.

  • Optionalregion?: Region

    Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.

  • Optionalstatus?: DeviceStatus

    Device status (enabled, disabled, etc.).