interface Domain {
    autoconfig: boolean;
    createdAt?: Date;
    dkimConfig: string;
    id: string;
    lastError?: string;
    lastValidAt?: Date;
    name: string;
    nextCheckAt?: Date;
    organizationId: string;
    projectId: string;
    records?: DomainRecords;
    region: Region;
    reputation?: DomainReputation;
    revokedAt?: Date;
    spfConfig: string;
    statistics?: DomainStatistics;
    status: TransactionalEmail.v1alpha1.DomainStatus;


autoconfig: boolean

Status of auto-configuration for the domain's DNS zone.

createdAt?: Date

Date and time of domain creation.

dkimConfig: string

DKIM public key to record in the DNS zone.

id: string

ID of the domain.

lastError?: string

Deprecated. Error message returned if the last check failed.

lastValidAt?: Date

Date and time the domain was last valid.

name: string

Domain name (

nextCheckAt?: Date

Date and time of the next scheduled check.

organizationId: string

ID of the domain's Organization.

projectId: string

ID of the domain's Project.

records?: DomainRecords

List of records to configure to validate a domain.

region: Region

Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.

reputation?: DomainReputation

The domain's reputation is available when your domain is checked and has sent enough emails.

revokedAt?: Date

Date and time of the domain's deletion.

spfConfig: string

Snippet of the SPF record to register in the DNS zone.

statistics?: DomainStatistics

Domain's statistics.

Status of the domain.