CreateTriggerRequest: {
    containerId: string;
    description?: string;
    name: string;
    region?: Region;
    scwNatsConfig?: Container.v1beta1.CreateTriggerRequestMnqNatsClientConfig;
    scwSqsConfig?: Container.v1beta1.CreateTriggerRequestMnqSqsClientConfig;
    sqsConfig?: Container.v1beta1.CreateTriggerRequestSqsClientConfig;

Type declaration

  • containerId: string

    ID of the container to trigger.

  • Optionaldescription?: string

    Description of the trigger.

  • name: string

    Name of the trigger.

  • Optionalregion?: Region

    Region to target. If none is passed will use default region from the config.

  • OptionalscwNatsConfig?: Container.v1beta1.CreateTriggerRequestMnqNatsClientConfig

    Configuration for a Scaleway Messaging and Queuing NATS subject.

    One-of ('config'): at most one of 'scwSqsConfig', 'scwNatsConfig', 'sqsConfig' could be set.

  • OptionalscwSqsConfig?: Container.v1beta1.CreateTriggerRequestMnqSqsClientConfig

    Configuration for a Scaleway Messaging and Queuing SQS queue.

    One-of ('config'): at most one of 'scwSqsConfig', 'scwNatsConfig', 'sqsConfig' could be set.

  • OptionalsqsConfig?: Container.v1beta1.CreateTriggerRequestSqsClientConfig

    Configuration for an AWS SQS queue.

    One-of ('config'): at most one of 'scwSqsConfig', 'scwNatsConfig', 'sqsConfig' could be set.